EQUIMETRE Analytics Premium

Available for EQUIMETRE Pro customers only, this functionality allows a more detailed and advanced analysis of the parameters collected by EQUIMETRE. The table works like an Excel spreadsheet. It allows EQUIMETRE Pro customers to analyze the longitudinal evolution of a horse, to make more detailed comparisons, and to carry out more detailed calculations and analysis by downloading the data to Excel.

Capture d’écran 2024-02-05 à 18.26.33

Filters (1)

Filter by date to focus on trainings during a specific period of time. To display certain trainings, filter by horse, horse age, track name,  training type, track conditions, or track surface. Click on the filter, deselect all and select the settings for the trainings you are interested in.

Use the search bar to go more directly to the trainings that include the search term. For example, by typing «Hard Gallop», the table will only display the training sessions qualified as «Hard Gallop» (see the article «Training Qualification»).

Classifying (2)

By clicking on the column name, an automatic ascending sort is established. By clicking again, the sort is descending. This way, you can easily display the best recoveries, the speed or stride length records for example.

Average (3)

For each parameter, the red line shows the average of the works displayed in the table, and adapts to the filters you've chosen. This makes it easy to see if a horse is suddenly recovering better than its own averages, or if a horse is recovering better than your overall average. 

Configurations (4)

Create several configurations to focus on specific parameters: warm-up, speed, strides, intervals, anything's possible!

Export to Excel (5)

For even more precise analysis, filtering and sorting, export your table to Excel by clicking on the «Export to Excel» button.


How to customize the table?

By clicking on "Customize this table", you can chose to add, remove and reorder the parameters of your Analytics table. There are more than 350 parameters you can chose from. You can also customize this table from My Account > Settings > Analytics. For more information see, How to customize the Analytics tab?