How to set up automatic sending of PDF training reports

These PDF reports allow you to easily review each training session and quickly assess the quality of each of your key parameters

Go to configuration page

From your web platform, click on “My Account” at the top right of your screen, then on “General Settings”.
Once in your settings, click on “PDF Reports Configuration” to access the configuration page.

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Create your recipient lists

The first step is to create your different mailing lists. For example, you can create a mailing list for you and your staff members in charge of the Equimetre, a mailing list for each of your owners, etc.

To create your lists, click on “Manage recipients lists”.

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A first list with only the e-mail associated with your account is created by default. To create another, click on “New list”.

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You can then enter the e-mail addresses of the various recipients and choose the parameters that suit them. Then click on Save.

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Create your configurations

You can create several configurations to personalize your emails as much as possible. Here are a few examples of possible configurations: 
  • Every Tuesday and Thursday at 2 p.m.:  all the works on grass with the best 600m under 38s
  • After each synchronization
  • Every Saturday at 12 noon: all the works of Arion I and Arion II (to be sent to their owners)

To create your own configurations, click on “Build a new configuration”.

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You have two options, depending on the level of complexity you need for your configuration. You can either create a simple configuration by choosing date/time and speed on the work, or create an advanced configuration on which you can choose the tracks, horses and PDF type that suit you. 

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Simple Configuration

1. First, select the training speed you wish to receive reports on (best 600m times). Drag the slider to select. 

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2. Then select the appropriate recipient list for this configuration. Tick the corresponding box.

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3. Set the frequency at which reports are sent.
Choose whether you wish to receive reports on a fixed day and time, or after each synchronization. To choose the days on which reports are to be sent, select or deselect the days in the scrolling list.
You can add multiple triggers if you wish to have several sending triggers for the same configuration. 

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4. Enter the name of your configuration and save.

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WARNING: If you don't receive your first e-mails, they may have fallen into your spam folder.

Advanced configuration

Advanced configuration is created on the same principle. 

1. First, choose your various advanced settings: track, training type, horses, speed, PDF type, etc.

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2. Then choose your recipient list
3. Set your mailing frequency
4. Enter a name for your configuration and save.

If you encounter any difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact your Data Success Manager.